My “Silenced Stories” Connection

My “Silenced Stories” Connection

While listening to/reading this TEDx Talk, I found I could relate well to Hallward’s general topics.  As I explained in my previous post, I too have felt shame in the way Hallward describes as the desire to”go into the closet” (1:57).  I’m often hard on myself, and this especially showed through during my high school years. It was difficult for me to make friends then, and I mainly attributed this to the disloyalty of the people I met.  However, a part of me still blamed myself, telling me I just wasn’t good at human interaction, and this led me to isolate myself from others, which only lessened my social skills further.  Meanwhile, at home, I was gaining more responsibilities, and whenever I had to be corrected in the way I did a chore, I felt ashamed at not being able to perform a simple task, and would shut myself in my room.  Exactly like Hallward explained the feelings of those trapped in their own shame, I would “look out that crack of light and [I’d] see everyone else out there and they seem[ed] so normal and happy” (2:18).  This is what Hallward described as the ashamed person’s perspective: they would assume others were better off and above them. I observed the other students at my school with all their friends and apparently happy lives, as well as my mom able to do tasks with ease, and I felt pointless.

I was not at all surprised to find out that we would be reading about the topics of shame and treating others’ differences with understanding, as the issue of equality has been in the news a lot recently.  It’s especially apparent at the moment with more legislation dealing with LGBTQ rights.  Hallward, in fact, summarized this movement in remarking that “as gay/lesbian couples have been coming out of the closet for decades now, it becomes a larger political force” (9:00), showing us that by bravely revealing their secret, these people are standing up for others like them, which inspires more to come out and push for equal treatment.

All in all, I agree that shame is a serious health hazard, and I find Hallward’s mission to relieve others of the pain they keep inside through radio admirable.  Although I’m not ready to speak aloud about my problems, perhaps I’ll give some more of her talks a listen.

Hallward, Anne, “How Telling Our Silenced Stories Can Change the World”

One thought on “My “Silenced Stories” Connection

  1. Great text-to-self and text-to-world connections here. It’s interesting when you describe “the ashamed person’s perspective” and how “they would assume others were better off and above them.” I wonder why we do this? And how do you think the internet and social media affect this tendency?

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