QCQ #3: “Jane Eyre,” Ch. 1-12

QCQ #3: “Jane Eyre,” Ch. 1-12

Quote: ” [Helen’s] grave is in Brocklebridge churchyard: for fifteen years after her death it was only covered by a grassy mound; but now a gray marble tablet marks the spot, inscribed with her name, and the word ‘Resurgam'” (p. 81).

Comments: I searched for the meaning of “Resurgam,” and found it is Latin for “I will rise again.” Mentioning this detail on Helen’s grave demonstrates Jane and potentially the author’s disdain for blind belief in religion. Jane often questioned the doctrines of Christianity, even directly to Helen, who was pious. And here this faithful girl lies, dead young, with a message on her grave saying she’ll be back that was even only added long after death. This description makes religion sound vain and pathetic in its apparent hopefulness, interesting in literature for this time period.

Questions: Why did the author choose to have the message added long after Helen’s death? Is this based off real experiences of hers, with a grave of someone she knew perhaps having the same epitaph?

Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. NY: Dodd, Mead & Co. 1847.

One thought on “QCQ #3: “Jane Eyre,” Ch. 1-12

  1. Hi Gina,

    It doesn’t appear for me to be able to comment on your commonplace book entries but I wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading them, keep up the great work!

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