About Me

About Me

My name is Gina Scott, and I am currently a junior at the University of New England.   Although my college and the majority of my family are in Maine, I’m actually originally from North Carolina.  I love reading, going to the movies, and playing badminton and tennis.  I have also played clarinet since middle school, participated in marching band through all of high school, and I continue to perform as part of the UNE Storm Surge Chamber Ensemble.

I am an aspiring marine biologist, hoping to obtain a Master’s degree in Marine Biology and one day work in a government agency such as the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, or perhaps a privately-owned lab.  For much of my life, I’ve been fascinated by the great outdoors, particularly the sea and its organisms; after all, the ocean is one of the most unexplored places on Earth.  Unfortunately, it has long been threatened by pollution, overfishing, and other human-caused issues.  Thus, my life goal is to find a way to preserve the ocean’s ecosystems, protecting them from further mistreatment.

This website is meant to showcase my college English essays, to be used as a future reference to my writing ability by potential employers, and I believe it will be good practice for creating a website and communicating online as well.  Thank you for visiting my page!
